
now that my dreams have come back, i keep wishing for dreams that will give me answers to questions, for dreams where i can see certain people and talk to them, for dreams that tell me more about what is going on... but i've always wished that, i guess... to be psychic somehow in the dream world... jejjee... it's been nice, though, to even have everyday-type dreams though, the kind where when you wake up you're not sure if it really happened or not... the kind that give you a false memory of events that never really happened ;)
the fast is almost over, and it's gone by really quickly... it's funny how about halfway through my body just accepts the fact that there is no eating throughout the day, and goes about its normal routine como si nada... the first few days i would get these hunger pangs and these intese munchies, and now it's just like a familiar emptiness...
hable con mi suegra anoche, y fue tan rico conectar con ella despues de varias semanas... hablamos de muchas cosas, pero mas que nada de los sentimientos encontrados de la familia en relacion a mi compromiso con patrik... se que es dificil para todos pensar que estare continuando con mi vida, empezando algo nuevo, pero siempre con pancho en mi corazon, en mi mente... todavia no hayo como encontrar el balance entre la felicidad de mi matrimonio con pancho y la pena de viuda, entre tenerlo siempre en mi y empezar algo nuevo... pero de a poco creo que todo va ser mas claro, y con el tiempo las heridas se van cerrando.... nunca sanan, pero si cicatrizan...
mi deseo es que me sigan considerando parte de la familia, como yo los considero a ellos, y que puedan aceptar mi decision...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little wandering around, as we all do in life, and found my way to your blog, Caroline. I am happy that you you are finding your way to happiness and a partner to share it with.

I live in Tacoma, Washington now with my lifelong ( since age 9 ) friend, Margaret.

Please send me tony and kitty's address and email. I don't know how I could have lost it, but, es asi.

Much love,