
life in limbo

it's interesting to be somewhere that you know you're leaving soon but you just don't know when... our flat is kind of chaotic at the moment, with a lot of half-packing going on... we managed to pack two suitcases of clothes and random things we know we will not be needing any time soon, as well as a box of books to ship to wherever it is we end up. these are sitting, quite plumply, in our living room... we've also tried to get everything that was hiding in drawers and closets out in the open so that we know exactly how much stuff we need to pack or give away or sell or toss out the window... but that of course has led only to a huge mess on our dining room table (our only table, i should add...) that stares at us and which by now we have lost all desire to do anything about... funny how having all the time in the world just breeds laziness... also, we've made arrangements to sell some of our stuff, like the large assortment of jungley plants that i've collected since coming here, and our tv/vcr... but are feeling a little reluctant to actually deliver the goods to the buyers since we could still be here for several more weeks, and it's no fun to live in a plant-less, entertainment-less flat, especially when you have to stay inside all the time cuz they're rockets falling out of the sky...
it's also satisfying to do something, anything at all, that seems to be pushing us forward on our plans to head home... right now all visa paperwork is entirely out of our hands, and there isn't even any fancy string-pulling we can do to rush it... so slowly packing our things with the hope that we will soon be getting on a plane is our one satisfying task! :)
so tonight, back to half-packing our stuff... hopefully without the background music of airraid sirens :)


weekend update

off to yet another quiet (hopefully) weekend at home :)

won't be doing much, so if you want to call and chat... hint. hint. ;)


quiet day...

... but still left me quite sleepy, so i'm heading home for what will hopefully be a quiet evening...
will blog more tomorrow...


all is well

so here's another post to let everyone who checks in to see that we're okay-- we're okay :)

somehow the airraid sirens have become a "normal" part of our day? how weird is that? even weirder is how i'm more worried about patrik's visa not being ready yet than i am about being hit by rockets... !

tomorrow was supposed to be our last day of work, but since we still have no idea when patrik's visa will be ready, we're just going to keep on coming in to work til we hear something... i wish we had a date, even a tentative one, for our departure. (tee hee... patrik's department threw him a farewell gettogether this afternoon anyway... watch us not leave for another month!)

it seems we just have to be patient, as the one document we need for the visa is completely out of our hands... let's just hope it doesn't get "misplaced" by the embassy a third time!!! so here's to learning patience... and to finding tranquility even among rockets dropping from the sky...


no, really, we're fine

yup, there's lots of sirens and booms all day long, some which kind of stop my heart for a few seconds, but then i just take a deep breath and keep on living life. as the days go on, it gets less scary but more worrisome... other than the slightly more tense shoulders than usual, we're doing fine ...
...thanks for everyone's prayers and happy thoughts being sent to this side of the world...


all is well

just wanted to let you all know everything is ok and that we are all fine :)


paz.... paciencia...

calmer about visa situation now :)
not necessarily because there is any indication it will all work out well, though! hehe
first, i talked to my mamita, who can always relax me :)
second, yesterday afternoon patrik and i went to go meet with mrs. ndegwa, a counsellor from kenya, to tell her the news of our leaving and ask her for advice (and yes, managed to vent a little about the trip to tel aviv too...) ~ it was such a nice conversation, she was so loving and had all these wonderful stories and advice and was just so sure of God's hand in all of this that we left her office with such a burden lifted off our shoulders, so much lighter, and no longer anxious and tense... we still have a lot to do and a lot to take care of, but whatever happens, it will be ok.
third, from the meeting we went to the shrines (how i'll miss the shrines...)
fourth, we spoke with patrik's parents last night, and they were also so loving and joyful that it was hard not to be smile too... :)
burocracia is burocracia, and we just have to take a few more steps and it should all be ok...


adventures in visa-seeking, part 3

i must admit, i'm finding a little less humor and a lot more frustration in this latest trip to tel aviv for patrik's visa... but i have vented to anyone who will listen, had a relaxing neck rub, done some deep breathing exercises, and begun to take (some) proactive measures to remedy it all, so i'm feeling a little better...
i mean... oooooohm.....
our appointment was early tuesday morning, and so to avoid the stress of having to catch a train at 5:30 in the morning from haifa, we went the night before and stayed at a hotel near the embassy. luckily the embassy is in a really nice part of town, very posh, on the beach, so our hotel was fancyschmancy... we had a view of the ocean adn very comfy bed and a very snazzy flat screen tv (oolala). we ate at a cute asian restaurant that night, and then slept ridiculously well until the next morning, at which point we collected all our stuff, checked out, and wrapped what we could from the free breakfast (bagels and cream cheese) up to eat later... got in a taxi and then arrived at the embassy adn stood in a few lines for about half an hour (yes, there are already lines at the us embassy at 7 in the monrning), and then finally got inside where we could sit andwait for our appointment...
the first step was to have our documents reviewed before the appointment, which was done by the same helpful israeli woman that helped me with the petition to apply for the visa a couple months ago... we started getting worried at this point, because she mentioned the required police certificate from the israeli authorities had never arrived, even though we put in the request back in may. she also looked at the translation of patrik's documents strangely, saying this was not the way people usually brought the documents in... hmm... we then went to go pay our big bucks to submit the paperwork and were asked to have a seat and to listen for our names to be called by the consul.
three hours later (at which point our bagels and cream cheese had been thoroughly devoured and our tummies were crying out for more, more, more!), the consul called her first interview (us)... just so you know, this was not the same sweet consul as last time, but a stern, unsmiling new consul... who pretty much told us that our documentation was not complete because the police record had never come and that the translation we had done by the BWC and had notarized was not valid, as the translation had to be done by a notary who spoke french and english who would then notarize his own translation... at this point my heart is sinking because suddenly i realize that although i have been anxiously awaiting this day of the interview, we will leave once again KNOWING NOTHING. and having to do MORE PAPERWORK. and having NO IDEA if it will all get done in time.
patrik, though, is calm as can be, as this is the way things are supposed to go ,in his mind... this is how things always go, and he begins becoming proactive to solve the problem while i just want to crawl in a hole and die.
so we leave the embassy and walk to the beach with all our documentos, where we sit in the shade long enough for me to come out of a state of shock and devestation, and begin planning our visa strategy...
in the end, the reality of the situation is that we just have to find a way to get the embassy what it needs, because of course at this point we are in way too deep adn cannot just leave it all as it is and decide to go somewhere else... we have to get the paperwork (whatever it costs) because we've already invested so much money already... sigh.
but like i said, i have vented sufficiently (ha!) to where i can chuckle (de mala gana) at the situation, and just trudge along trying to find a solution to the problem . we still don't know if we'll get it all done in time, but we're going to try.
wish us luck.
and pray that next time we go in, the nice sweet consul woman is on duty that day.


do you have ANY idea how HAPPY this makes me?!?!
very very very giddy about mona and chris' wedding!!
(and totally jealous of the dress and turquoise shoes... )


a second chance

in about 15 minutes i'm heading out to go translate for a group of spanish-speaking pilgrims during their visit to the archives building... i'm a little nervous, but so looking forward to it...
i've been once before... every year, staff gets to sign up to go to each of the holy places, and so i went on my staff visit earlier this year... but the day i was scheduled, i was in such a rush, and i felt so not in the right frame of mind to be going... i almost turned back to walk back home several times on the way there, but patrik was so sweet and kept saying that i should decide once we got there whether or not to go in, and that it was going to be ok... i ended up going on my staff visit that day, and was very overwhelmed by it all... everything seemed very surreal, but at the same time was making the faith so REAL, to see things that had belonged to these Holy figures... the hour flew by and i left the archives feeling so bewildered, but glad that i had gone...
today i get to go in a completely different context, and it will be so interesting to hear the stories about each of the items again (and this time, maybe i'll actually remember the stories because i'll have to be paying such close attention!), and to be there while the pilgrims go through the experience... and i'm glad i get to go again before leaving the holy land... wish me luck.


~*~ 25 ~*~

happy birthday to me !


i'm loving this whole pilgrimage thing...

first i got to see gilberto, faranak and sofia, then the stern-sapads (and somehow MISSED seeing basilisa! how is that possible?!) and now ana and andrew! pilgrimage is great for seeing old friends :) kati is in albuquerque, so i'll have to wait to see her some other time, but tonight patrik and i are heading out to dinner with ana & andrew, which should be much fun :)


p.s. these photos are about a year and a half old, and very close-up, thanks to chris zimes' kidnapping of my camera at my farewell-to-turkeyville party... by the way, congratulations to chris and mona on their wedding this weekend! yipee!!!!!


marriage class

here we all are again :)