
scary night ~ happy morning

yeah... so last night a rocket hit directly across the street from us.
VERY loud.
VERY scary.
i cried.
lots more rockets kept falling in the city, making it seem like the world was falling apart. but then, it was quiet, and we counted all our fingers and toes and baby bumps and everything was accounted for.
we're ok.
we're safe.
we slept soundly afterwards.
and so then this morning, a happy suprise... the embassy called us (yes! and not the other way around! it's a MIRACLE!) and said they have the paper they needed in hand so we can go tomorrow to finish up our paperwork!
VERY exciting.
VERY relieving.
i did a happy dance.
it's looking promising at the moment and i will write more tomorrow about how it goes... hopefully all will be well and we can travel soon.
we're happy.
we're cautiously excited.
we will most definitely sleep soundly tonight.


Anonymous said...

Ya-Baha'u'l-Abha!!!! We gasped, we smiled, we cried, we hugged, we grinned! Happy day! We love you and will see you SOON! Love, Mommy and Daddy

Anonymous said...

good for you!!

Sofia said...

YAYYY!!! GREAT NEWS :-D We're so relieved to hear that all is well with you guys and that you're trying to keep calm amidst all the chaos there. We're praying for you and hope that all the papers will come together smoothly. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

what wonderful news,We will be anxiously waiting to hear about your visit to the embassy. You are
so brave,but with everyones prayers
we know you will come home safely and soon to us. Love, Marcie and Dick

Anonymous said...

Hola Carolineup... We're so glad you guys are safe and that your plans are unfolding. Does this mean that you both will be able to travel/live? in the States?
Please post fotos of you guys...haven't seen any in ages.

