
so i guess people do check this blog... :D

my friend aria recently put this "sitemeter" thingy on the bottom of my blog, which lets me know how many people visit the site and where they are checking from (there's even someone from japan- adri?) it's all very cool and high-tech, and also makes me feel incredibly guilty that people are checking to see if i've written ANYTHING and of course, i haven't! eek!

so, here goes another update! :)

this is how i feel lately, feeling very round and moon-goddessy, baby growing and growing and me waiting and waiting...

i'm hoping the baby comes soon, since i'm so anxious to meet her and see who she is and figure out how to be a mama! but so far she seems pretty content to just keep swishing around inside me, staying warm and squeezing my internal organs :) i guess the womb is a pretty cushy place, but i keep trying to convince her to come see this world ~ hopefully she'll become intrigued enough pretty soon!

i've been getting the house ready for the birth, setting up the birthing tub, getting everything ready for the baby... luckily friends have been incredibly generous with baby things, and so many have had babies recently and happen to have so much STUFF that normally costs so much money that they're letting me use or keep... it's weird to be in the states, where it seems you need STUFF for everything you do, and having a baby is no exception... when i went to register for baby gifts (also a very US thing to do), the list of things that the store gave me as "necessary" was a whole little book, and when i finished scanning all the cute little items that i though i could ever need or want, they printed out a list of "things you can't do without that you haven't registered for"... it just seems so strange that such a little creature should need so many huge things... and that around the world women are having babies and raising them fine without all this stuff... hmm. but, being here, our house has slowly started filling up with all sorts of trinkets for the baby, some which are pretty cool, i have to admit. like a crib that attaches to our bed so that the baby is sleeping with us, but without being in the path of drowsy arms and legs, or all sorts of slings and things for carrying the baby, or the "hooterhider" my sister sent so i can nurse in public without offending or shocking anyone with them hooters of mine :)

but now the house is ready for the baby, patrik and i are ready for the baby, my mom is ready, just a phone call away in order to get on a plane to be here when the baby comes... just waiting for the baby to be ready :) soon, i hope...


Anonymous said...

That Site Meter is pretty cool! Lots of folks are checking in regularly for news of all of you - lots of love and prayers from all over the world. See you soon - love, Mommy

Anonymous said...

Of course we're checking! :-) All sounds wonderful. Enjoy the birth! You'll have to find a way to post pictures when she arrives!

lilo. said...

aparecia alguien checking from BOLIVIA???? it was me!!!!!

no se si tambien conociste a mi hermana zaynab, ella tambien esta por tener un baby :) en enero nace...

y nosotros (paul y yo) estamos por ir a costa rica por el verano :D

ojalá nos veamos en algun momento... quisiera conocer a tu baby!!! va a ser hermosa!
y a tu esposo tambien q se ve buena onda :)
un abrazo

Diane said...

Of course we are all checking, even from Switzerland… We can wait to get news from the babies and everything that's going on. Un abraso muy grande a los tres…

Sasha McKinney said...

Check out pictures of Caroline and Patrik's baby Akeva at jamesandaria.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is SO beautiful! Everyone looks so happy. Sending you all our happiness and love from W'tn!

Did you pick the name Akeva before you knew she would be born on Thanksgiving Day?! What an awesome and beautiful name.