
at long last...

a new post!

we've been moving into a new apartment for the last... i don't know... forever? seems like it anyway. moving is no fun and i don't recommend it, ever. just stay put is what i say! and periodically throw away all junk, so you don't end up with a ton of it... it seems to multiply on its own, so be careful...

once we're actually finished moving, i may post photos of the finished product... but seeing the rate our putting-things-away seems to be going, that may never happen...

akeva is growing and learning all sorts of new things... she is now a professional thumb-sucker and has even managed to roll over... she "talks" all the time, especially if i'm on the phone with someone, or if i'm listening to something with a lot of talking... tis very cute :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! She's growing so fast! What a precious little girl you guys have :) Good luck with the move. I know, it's no fun, but it'll be over (hopefully) soon. Please give our love to Patrick as well and give that beautiful baby of yours (and her mama) a big smooch from us!

Goal said...

Akeva!! Cute pie, estas creciendo rapido, WOW!
It is true is not fun to move, I think that Greg and I have been lucky that every time we've had to move a troop of like 10 kids volunteer to help us, but still, NO FUN, there are things that only you know, what to do. Hope it goes by fast.
Love Bahi

Anonymous said...

Akeva está super grande..como pasa el tiempo eh?
Y me lo dices a mí, hemos estado cambiandonos de lugar mucho tiempo, pero como ya sabes por fin estamos en un lugar .. podría decirse por un muy buen tiempo.
Oye, saca algunas fotos de tu casa!! quiero conocerla..jeje.
saludos desde Chile.
cecilia b.

Diane said...

Wow !!! She is groing so fast...She looks so cute in these pictures...
Moving.. arrgg... I have to move really soon, I'm looking for a new flat, it's unbelievable the amount of thing I have accumulated in 3 months ...

Sasha McKinney said...

Ay Akevita preciosa! What's she gonna wear tonight for Naw Ruz?!!
By the way, the song Sasha is dancing to is 'Bad' by Michael Jackson!
See you tonight! : )