
several days without writing.... jejeje... i'm such as bad about blogging as i am about writing...
a lot to tell, though! the wedding is just five days away (eek!) and so all the last minute things are getting done... flowers and plates and food and program (jejjee... haven't even figured out the program yet... what prayers to say, who to say them, when to do rings and vows and signing adn all that good stuff...) i get these little moments of freaking out about not having enough time, but then i realize it's all very simple and there's no reason to worry :)
saturday i moved into our new flat at the bottom of the mountain, with a beautiful view of the shrine and a very very squeeky bed. and a barking dog next door. (ha!) still unpacking, and need to get everything cleaned up and beautiful before mommy and mormor get here, or else they'll be tripping over my luggage and random bits of stuff that hasn't found a place yet... oh, and must get the hot water turned on! (hopefully today...).
and then saturday night i had my big blow out bachelorette party, complete with games and sappy advice from all the ladies and sexy lingerie (woohoo!)... i had a stomach ache when i got there, but laughed it off with all my friends... someone was taking photos, so maybe i'll be able to post them soon...
and last night i met my suegros!!!
why why WHY don't i ever think to take out my camera?...
they are very sweet and funny, and brought lots of gifts, big bright beautiful cameroonian clothes for me and patrik (and a little something for my mommy and daddy!) and some house decorating stuff and big big hugs... it's nice to see where patrik comes from :) and to see who he might turn into in thirty years! ;)
and, my days of flying under the radar and being pretty much anonymous at the BWC are over... now that i'm part of this family, there are lunches and dinners and meetings planned with house members and itc members... the whole works... i've gotten used to being an unknown face and name... no longer :)
wish my seesters were here...

1 comment:

leila said...

you are the lovliest, sneakiest, most getting-married-tomorrow-morning-on-peter's-terrace chiquita.

a.) happy wedding, dear heart. s. it sounds like it's going to be delish. and you know how i can't express enough happiness for you!

b.) i so totally can't believe you haven't told me you have a blog. i LOVE the pictures (stolen!) --- for a bit there i was all like This WOMAn's output is asTOUNding! and Where on earth does she find time to PAINT that much? ... and then i realised. my eyes sweep over the spanish, but the english is muchos sweetes.

c.) i came across your blog through someone random's. i clicked on carolina, liking the name, having no idea it was yours.

d.) do you mind if i have a link to your blog from mine? plEEEEz?

okay, i'm done. working on my weekend. sigh.

BIG love,
love from leila