a man who cooks...
~ time out of time ~
...and now we wait...
so for all of you wondering how one goes about getting married in the holy land :)
...there once was a blog...
owing to the excess of cheese lately (!), here are some (non-cheesy) photos for your blogging enjoyment, taken by shiva, my delightfully giggly third-culture-kid friend:
this is shiva & me
these are our toes...
that same day, lounging after a office brunch before a holy day celebration, shiva took the following series of photos, during which sherri (hilarious future-super-star officemate) and i got increasingly happy, and poor maryam, who had a migraine, got worser and worser...
p.s. to all those who have happened to come across my blog-- i'd love to know who you are! please go ahead and leave a comment, even if you don't have a blog yourself :)
~*~ smileliest day ~*~
tour virtual de mi casita
this is the view from the big windows... aaah, ocean.... (and those are most of my plants which, thankfully, survived the move)
i must say, the kitchen is one of the best parts... it's all very homey, wood cabinets and everything! hehehe... funny what you come to appreciate....
and this is my teensy tinesy bedroom... all that fits is my bed and a little shelf and the closet... quite cozy and tent-like... :)
i was going to take photos of the bathrooms too, but then figured i could just leave it to your imaginations... rest assured they're quite luxurious! :D
less random, more specific
this is at the birth of baha'u'llah celebration-- it was supposed to be just the cameroonians, pero se colaron unos caradepalo... guess which ones don't belong in the picture! jejeje
da grrls before heading out to the holy day... i'm not nearly glam enough to be in this photo! not wearing nealy enough eye makeup to fit in with these two... :D
my flatmates faranak & anahita and my moving-out party... there were more folks in the photo (though not very many! it was the most lo-key party i've ever been to!) -- but they were all making strange eyes-half-open faces, so i cropped them out. cuter this way, anyway! jeje
~ the sweetest thing ~
aah, israel...
i love getting mail :D
i love getting mail :D
happy randomness :D