
a man who cooks...

there ain't nothin' better... :D
patrik stayed home sick today, and i when went to check on him at lunch time, he had cooked this amazing meal... a whole roasted chicken and yummy rice with veggies... mmm... que rico... (el almuerzo, malpensados! jeje)
last night i translated for the pilgrims for the first time... there are about 60 spanish speakers in this group, including flor from costa rica, mawe from panama, and vanda and tiago from chile! i was nervous, because the setup is all professional, with your own little booth and funny headphones/mic thing. and i KNOW i spanglishized several words... haha... that's life, tho!
tonight patrik's sister and brother-in-law are throwing an ayyam-i-ha party, lots of food and singing and drumming and joy :) more about that tomorrow...
did i mention lunch was delicious? :D


~ time out of time ~

~*~ happy ayyam-i-ha ~*~
days of joy and sharing :)
p.s. in the spirit of joy and sharing, patrik and i went wedding ring shopping last night! and of course, in true BWC fashion, ran into baha'is at the jewlery shop... jejeje... i'm thiiis close to buying my wedding dress too (why is that purchasing things makes it all seem more real and less like we're just pretending? jeje) but am waiting on my sister's opinions before hitting the "proceed with checkout" button online!
patrik's parents have moved their trip to haifa up, and it seems like they're coming in april now instead of may... so we're looking into possible dates (that is, if we get permission)... that would be about 6 weeks from now, which is exciting and wonderful and i hope to god it could be so soon! haha.. not exactly the most patient person... :D also starting to look around at possible places...
my imagination is taking over lately, and i'm not getting ANY work done these days! jeje
more later...


i've been dreaming a lot lately... falling asleep completely content and waking up in the same position i lay down in... and giggling in my sleep, talking, i'm sure, and wishing i could stay in bed when what i really need to do is get up...
when i first got here, i would have the worst nightmares... horrible anxious bloody dreams... and then i got to a point of very restful, but dreamless, sleep... it's nice to be back in the dream world again...


...and now we wait...

this is about how excited we are to sit and wait for news... jejeje

so for all of you wondering how one goes about getting married in the holy land :)

fall in love (aah, so nice), get consent of parents (a little scary at first, but oh so happy after it's given!), have a meeting with the office of personnel (very official but short), and then...
and wait.
and wait.
and then, on some day when you're least expecting it, you'll get the news that either:
a) yes, you're welcome to marry in the holy land and continue your service happily ever after
b) you're welcome to marry in the holy land, but please go home straight away
c) do what you like but just don't do it here!
d) (i'm sure there must be at least one other option! just can't think of what...)
and then, you get to do all the logisitical stuff like find a couple's flat to move into, contact the legal office to make sure all your papers are in order, figure out a date, start planning... :D
but until then... we shall wait.
just hopefully not too long! ;)


devocional en memoria de pancho

sabado 11 de febrero, 2006

desayunito... y claveles rojos...


...there once was a blog...

... that bit me in the butt... :)

owing to the excess of cheese lately (!), here are some (non-cheesy) photos for your blogging enjoyment, taken by shiva, my delightfully giggly third-culture-kid friend:

this is shiva & me

these are our toes...

that same day, lounging after a office brunch before a holy day celebration, shiva took the following series of photos, during which sherri (hilarious future-super-star officemate) and i got increasingly happy, and poor maryam, who had a migraine, got worser and worser...



p.s. to all those who have happened to come across my blog-- i'd love to know who you are! please go ahead and leave a comment, even if you don't have a blog yourself :)


~*~ smileliest day ~*~

(...if we were roses...)
* last night, patrik proposed *
...an honest-to-goodness, down-on-one-knee,
candlelight-dinner, "will-you-marry-me" proposal...
~*~ p.s. i said yes! ~*~



feliz cumplean~os, panchulo


tour virtual de mi casita

this is my living room :) very spacious and bright

this is the view from the big windows... aaah, ocean.... (and those are most of my plants which, thankfully, survived the move)

i must say, the kitchen is one of the best parts... it's all very homey, wood cabinets and everything! hehehe... funny what you come to appreciate....

and this is my teensy tinesy bedroom... all that fits is my bed and a little shelf and the closet... quite cozy and tent-like... :)

i was going to take photos of the bathrooms too, but then figured i could just leave it to your imaginations... rest assured they're quite luxurious! :D


less random, more specific

here's some photos i've been meaning to upload:

this is at the birth of baha'u'llah celebration-- it was supposed to be just the cameroonians, pero se colaron unos caradepalo... guess which ones don't belong in the picture! jejeje

da grrls before heading out to the holy day... i'm not nearly glam enough to be in this photo! not wearing nealy enough eye makeup to fit in with these two... :D

my flatmates faranak & anahita and my moving-out party... there were more folks in the photo (though not very many! it was the most lo-key party i've ever been to!) -- but they were all making strange eyes-half-open faces, so i cropped them out. cuter this way, anyway! jeje

~ the sweetest thing ~

this morning i discovered by far the sweetest thing, and it made my soul smile...

a single wild rose waiting on my desk... for me!


aah, israel...

nothing is quite as classy as having your glamourshot painted on a dinner plate...

or is as heartwarming as smoking in front of a toy store...

as joyful as two years of obligatory military service...

or as comforting as streetsigns making sure you say your obligatory prayer... before you die.

i love getting mail :D

this is me & my buddy schuyler

these are our toes

~ she sent me a letter on friday ~
i love getting mail :D


happy randomness :D

here's a random photo of yas and me trying reeeeeeally hard not to drop davidngianni's wedding cake...
even more random now that yas has appeared in my office at the world centre!
who'da thunk it?
the random happiness of meeting yas :D
p.s. mami, that was one of the happiest trips-- happy and hectic-- i made you come back to costa rica, even if just for a weekend, before you could forget how wonderful it is and that it's home... we should do it again... soon!